5 Innovative Apps for Neurodivergent Adults You Should Know About

Restful Life
3 min read

The space where technology meets inclusivity can be a powerful one.

But finding apps tailored to diverse cognitive needs can feel like looking for an oasis in a desert.

Among the countless options, it’s vital to highlight those that truly empower and support neurodivergent people.

These innovative apps serve as more than tools; they represent gateways to empowerment.

By embracing apps specifically designed for neurodivergents? You can navigate daily life more effectively, enhance productivity, and boost your well-being.

Moreover, these apps contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive world. They challenge stigmas and stereotypes associated with neurodivergent conditions.

Celebrating these apps is not just about showcasing technology. It’s about advocating for understanding, acceptance, and equal opportunities for everyone. Regardless of your neurodivergence.

Understanding Neurodivergence

Woman with black hair wearing a red coat smiles softly with her eyes closed

The neurodivergent paradigm recognises that neurological differences are natural variations in humans.

It values the diverse ways people think, learn, and experience the world. Instead of viewing neurodivergence as a disorder that needs fixing? It emphasises acceptance, accommodation, and celebration.

This approach promotes inclusion, equal opportunities, and understanding. It challenges stigmas and stereotypes associated with neurodivergent conditions.

Overall, it fosters a more inclusive and compassionate society. One that embraces all our unique strengths and perspectives.

Types of neurodivergence

The term neurodivergence is an umbrella term. Much like the term “queer” in the LGBTQI+ community, the word neurodivergent is a social term. Not a medical one. You cannot be “diagnosed” as neurodivergent.

However, many conditions that are disorders under the pathology paradigm fall under the neurodivergent umbrella. These can include:

  • autism
  • ADHD
  • dyslexia
  • OCD
  • dyspraxia
  • epilepsy
  • PTSD
  • generalised anxiety
  • HSP

and more.

The point is, that neurodivergence is an identity. As Sonny from The Lived Experience Educator says

“Neurodivergence refers to anyone whose mind or functioning diverges from dominant societal norms, standards and expectations. It is a term that exists in opposition to disorder because it’s about acknowledging that we aren’t disordered, we diverge.”

Is neurodivergence a disability?

In a word? Maybe.

When you diverge from societal standards of behaviour, it can be very challenging. Even disabling. Some conditions may come with chronic pain, sensory sensitivities or executive dysfunction. People may feel disabled by their condition.

Disabled is not a bad word. It’s simply an accurate descriptor of how some people cannot perform some tasks. That’s all. It’s a neutral term.

When you’re neurodivergent, acknowledging how your condition may disable you is the first step that helps you:

  • identify needs,
  • communicate your needs with others, and
  • use necessary accommodations

Examples of Neurodivergent-Friendly Apps For Adults

1. Restful

Screenshot of the Restful app
  1. what it is: a library of meditones to help neurodivergent people feel calm & restful

  2. who made it: a neurodivergent composer and her partner

  3. how it helps: Meditones help regulate the nervous system, reduce anxiety and overwhelm. They may even help prevent burnout.

    The Restful app is a fantastic alternative to guided meditation. Especially if you can’t meditate.

2. Hiki

Screenshot of the Hiki app
  1. what it is: a dating, friendship and community app for autistic people

  2. who made it: an ally to the autistic community and a team of employees, over 70% who are autistic

  3. how it helps: Hiki connects people with partners who understand and embrace their unique qualities.

    It also fosters supportive friendships plus provides a welcoming space where autistic adults can be themselves.

3. Betwixt

Screenshot of the Betwixt app
  1. what it is: Betwixt is a mental health game that blends choose-your-own-adventure stories and psychology

  2. who made it: a team of neurodivergent founders and psychology experts

  3. how it helps: the game aims to combat stress and anxiety by providing an engaging way to explore your inner self.

    It offers an immersive alternative to mindfulness. Betwixt allows players to navigate a dreamlike world, solve mysteries, and unravel the secrets of their minds.

4. Time Timer

Screenshot of the Time Timer app
  1. what it is: Time Timer is a visual timer app that represents the passage of time with a disappearing coloured disk

  2. who made it: invented by Jan Rogers to initially help her child grasp the concept of elapsed time

  3. how it helps: Time Timer makes it easier to understand and manage the passage of time.

    It may be helpful for adults with ADHD or autism who struggle with time perception and time management.

5. Dubbii

Screenshot of the Dubbii app
  1. what it is: Dubbii is a body doubling app designed to help ADHDers with home cleaning and organization tasks

  2. who made it: Rich & Rox from ADHD Love

  3. how it helps: It provides follow-along videos to help you focus, get started and finish cleaning. They also help you break down everyday tasks into micro-steps to reduce overwhelm.

    Rich and Rox are friendly, charming and funny so you can work on your habits without any shame.


These apps all serve as gateways to empowerment for neurodivergent adults. By embracing apps designed for your unique needs, you can learn to thrive in daily life, boost well-being and productivity. Plus we love celebrating apps that help create a more inclusive and supportive world.

Discover a growing library of meditones with the Restful app. Download for free today on Google Play or the App Store.