Annoyed by Guided Meditations? Here Are 8 Easy Ways to Feel Calm

Restful Life
3 min read

Do you hate meditation? Do you find guided meditation annoying or too hard?

With so many meditation apps and courses on the market, you would think that meditation was the only solution to stress. But mindfulness isn’t the only way to feel calm.

There are lots of alternatives to guided meditation that can still foster a sense of calm, focus, and feeling grounded.

These alternatives are fantastic if you dislike the structured or silent nature of meditation. They all offer flexibility, sensory engagement, and relaxation.

Plus these meditation alternatives can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine.

8 easy guided meditation alternatives

1. Listen to meditones

Meditones® help you produce calm brainwaves, effortlessly. Meditones are binaural beats combined with contemporary classical and ambient music.

When you listen with headphones? The meditones effect occurs naturally and easily.

Because meditones help you produce calm brainwaves, you can experience the benefits of meditation. Effortlessly.

[Illustration of a person wearing headphones listening to Theta meditones at 4 Hz]

This makes meditones perfect for anyone who hates meditation. And they’re fantastic for neurodivergent people who struggle with overwhelm.

Discover a growing library of meditones inside the Restful app. Download for free today on Google Play or the App Store.

2. Time in Nature

Being in a natural environment can help you reconnect to the present moment.

As you spend time in a park, forest, or beach, immerse yourself in the sensory experience. Listen to the rustling leaves, chirping birds, or crashing waves. Feel the gentle breeze on your skin. Notice the colours and shapes of the plants and trees around you.

Engaging with nature in this way can help you escape the stress of daily life. You’ll quickly begin to feel a sense of tranquility and grounding.

3. Breathwork

Deep breathing techniques are powerful tools for relaxation and focus. A simple breathing technique is called 2-1 Breathing.

Just inhale for a count of 2 and exhale for a count of 4.

Animation of circle inhaling for a count of 2 and exhaling for a count of 4

Or you could simply extend your exhale. There’s no need to keep count. Just take a big breath in, puff out your cheeks, and slowly exhale.

As you breathe out, notice your muscles begin to relax and release tension.

Breathwork can slow your heart rate, reduce stress, and provide a calming effect. Which makes it an excellent alternative to meditation.

4. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is a method of releasing physical tension.

Start at your toes and work your way up to your head. Tense each muscle group for a few seconds and then relax.

As you let go of physical tension, you also release mental stress. Creating a profound sense of relaxation and centeredness.

5. Journaling

Close up of woman's hands holding a pen and writing in a journal sitting at a desk

Journaling is a reflective practice that can help you process your thoughts and emotions. Which can lead to increased clarity and emotional balance. It offers you a therapeutic outlet for self-expression and self-discovery.

Set aside time each day to write down your feelings, concerns, and aspirations.

By putting your thoughts on paper, you can gain a fresh perspective on your life. Plus it can help you identify areas where you may need to focus your attention.

6. Somatic Movement

Somatic exercises involve gentle movements and stretches. They are designed to release muscular tension and improve your mind-body connection.

By paying close attention to sensations as you move, you become more connected to your body.

These movements can be an excellent alternative to guided meditation. They offer a unique way to promote relaxation, body awareness, and mindfulness.

Plus, somatic exercises can be adapted to your specific needs. Which makes them accessible for people of all fitness levels and physical conditions.

7. Active Play

Woman in purple top & long black hair dances with eyes closed

Physical activity increases your brain’s production of euphoric ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitters called endorphins. And play is a great way to relieve stress and boost your mood.

You could try yoga, Pilates, swimming, dancing or Tai Chi. You could jump on a trampoline, play fetch with your dog, or throw a frisbee with friends.

The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. This way you can get lost in the moment.

8. Art or Creative Activities

Creative pursuits like painting, drawing, or colouring can be meditative. They encourage you to be present as you focus on colours, shapes, and textures.

Whether you’re expressing your emotions through art or simply enjoying the act of creation… these activities can bring a sense of inner peace and mindfulness to your life.


There are lots of ways to feel calm even if you hate meditation or find meditation difficult. These alternative practices to guided meditation offer diverse approaches to achieving calm.

Experiment with them to discover which resonates best with you. Then incorporate them into your daily routine for improved well-being.

Discover a growing library of meditones inside the Restful app. Download for free today on Google Play or the App Store.