How to Feel Really Calm Even if You Can’t Meditate

Restful Brain
5 min read

You've probably heard about the benefits of meditation.

Restful sleep, stress relief, less anxiety, and more emotional wellbeing.

But what if you tried meditation and found it difficult?

What if you struggled to focus or to make it a consistent habit? What if you found meditation stressful?

You’re definitely not alone.

One study of 1,232 people found a quarter of them experienced particularly unpleasant meditation-related experiences such as anxiety, fear and distorted emotions.

And while more research is needed, these findings suggest that meditation might not be right for everyone. Especially if you’re recovering from trauma, are neurodivergent or struggle with mental illness.

So how are you supposed to feel calm? What can you do to alleviate stress, anxiety and overwhelm?

The good news? There is an alternative to meditation. Even if you can’t meditate, there is a way that you can feel calm.

Why Meditation Creates Calm Brain Waves

Close up of a woman with black curly hair softly smiling with her eyes closed When neurons in your brain send signals to other neurons, the resulting patterns are known as brain waves. Brain waves are measured by their frequency per second, or in Hertz.

There are five types of brain waves that range from very slow to very fast. Slower brain waves are the ones you produce when you’re feeling calm, and drifting off to sleep.

When you meditate, you typically produce Theta brain waves. The frequency of Theta brain waves are between 4-8 Hertz.

When you’re producing theta waves, you’re in a deeply relaxed mental state. You may even be drifting off to sleep. Which means theta brain waves help you to relax, let go and feel calm.

So to gain the same benefits of meditation? You simply need another way to create calm brain waves.

An Effortless Shortcut for People Who Can’t Meditate

Meditones® make you calm without you having to do a thing.

Meditones are both powerful and gentle. Because meditones help you produce calm brain waves, effortlessly. Just listen with headphones and the meditones effect occurs naturally and easily.

This makes meditones the perfect way to gain all the benefits of meditation even if you can’t meditate.

But they don’t just work in the moment. Meditones also have long term effects.

There’s a saying in neuroscience “Neurons that fire together, wire together”. This means your neural pathways become physically thicker through repetition.

Dirt path through a grassy field overlooking the ocean with a park bench in the middle

Which means, the more you use meditones, the stronger those calm neural pathways become. Over time, you’ll find it easier to become and stay calm naturally.

What Are Meditones?

Meditones are binaural beats combined with contemporary ambient music.

Binaural beats are precisely tuned frequencies of sound combined to create a humming vibration.

When you listen to meditones with headphones, your brain responds by creating calm brain waves. Similar to ones you produce during meditation and restful sleep.

Which makes meditones an effortless way to gain the benefits of meditation without any effort.

Imagine you’re watching the waves at the beach. You start counting how many times they crash onto the shore per second.

The number of times the waves crashed onto the shore is their frequency. In science, this frequency is called Hertz.

And because brain waves and sound waves are both measured in Hertz?

We can use sound to stimulate calm brain wave patterns just like meditation. And this is how meditones work.

How Meditones Work

[Illustration of a person wearing headphones listening to Theta meditones at 4 Hz]

When two slightly different frequencies of pure sound are combined, a humming vibration is created.

These frequencies are called binaural beats and their results are completely backed by science.

When you listen to this vibration in headphones, the brain responds in a remarkable way.

Instead of processing the sound via the auditory cortex, the entire brain works in unison to create calm brain waves. Similar to ones you produce during meditation and sleep.

For example, when you listen to a vibration at 4 Hertz in headphones, your brain will produce brain waves of 4 Hertz.

Brain waves of 4 Hz are in the Theta range. Theta brain waves are normally produced during REM sleep and deep meditation.

So by listening to binaural beats at 4 Hz, you’ll start to feel deeply calm. Effortlessly.

How Are Meditones Different to Binaural Beats?

At Restful, we combine binaural beats with contemporary ambient music, to create meditones. Because they’re tones that give you the benefits of deep meditation without any of the effort.

Music has long been proven to soothe. Listening to music activates the parasympathetic nervous system and reduces the stress response.

By combining binaural beats with soothing music, meditones are the perfect tool for feeling calm & restful. Anytime, anywhere.

Just like the types of brain waves, we can use types of music & binural beats to create meditones for any mood. For example:

  • Alpha meditones help you produce Alpha brain waves for calm focus

  • Theta meditones help you produce Theta waves to wind down & relax

  • Delta meditones help you produce Delta brain waves for a deep restful sleep.

All you need to remember is that meditones make you calm without you having to do a thing.

Just listen with headphones, and the meditones effect occurs naturally and easily.

Are Meditones a Replacement for Meditation?

Woman sitting on a couch with headphones on and her eyes closed, smiling

Yes, they can be.

Meditones soothe the nervous system and help you produce calm brain waves effortlessly. And meditones can also be used in combination with traditional meditation practices.

If you enjoy mindfulness, Vispassana or Transcendental Meditation, you can still practice these traditional forms of meditation and listen to meditones music at the same time. You will experience deeper states of meditation when you do.

However, if you have trouble meditating or are too overwhelmed to focus, meditones are a great calming alternative to meditation.

Looking for more ideas? Here are 5 Easy Ways to Meditate Without Using Guided Meditations


Meditation is a wonderful skill to develop. And if you have a strong meditation practice or reap the rewards from meditating on the regular - keep going.

However, if you struggle to meditate then meditones are a wonderful tool to help you feel calm effortlessly.

The meditones effect will work even if you’re tired, overwhelmed or can’t switch off your busy mind. All you need? Are your headphones.

Discover a growing library of meditones inside the Restful app. Download for free today on Google Play or the App Store.